1 . 具有生物
and a gradual shift to biologicallycompatible techniques ., 逐步向具有生物兼容性的技术转变.
2 . 在生物学
the anterior and posterior palatal circle ( double bar ) on the other hand is mechanically and biologicallysound and cannot be cirticized if it is located as not impinge upon tissues .前后腭杆设计无论在机械上还是在生物学上都比较合理,如果在设计上能够避免压迫软组织将是非常理想的。
3 . 由生物因素
supporters of the " nature " theory insist that we are born with a certain capacity for learning that is biologicallydetermined .支持“天性”论的人坚持说,我们生来就具有一定的学习才能,这是由生物因素决定的
4 . 从生物学角度
biologicallyspeaking , humans are attracted to symmetrical faces and curvy women for a reason : it's those shapes that are believed to produce healthiest offspring .从生物学角度来说,匀称的脸庞和拥有曲线美的女性具有吸引力是有根据的:人们坚信这样的体态能孕育最健康的子孙后代。